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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

update; busy gramma and grammpa

I did it!!!!!!!!!

OK, well, I finally have a minute! To all of you who think where I am in my fun life means extra time, well, you are so very wrong! There is working, being with hubby, working, babysitting grandkids, working, shopping, grandkids, shopping, cleaning, visiting with our kids, shopping, AND reading the TWILIGHT series!!!! I am finished and it was so much fun and such a great escape! And for me to read 4 novels of this magnitude in the space of 4 months, is about as big as me getting my bachelors degree!! Loved it and Sarah, you need to read it!!! Get busy, I have them all!!!! I am starting the Host, and everyone says it is hard to get into, so with that in mind I am trying to get into it. Also, I got my first of the year illness!! I have a crappy cold and I took today off to feel better. I went to school yesterday and I was so sick, I hope I didn't get them sick, however, they are the ones I probably got it from in the first place. Anyway, if you looked onto Misty or Aprils or Sarah's page, you know that we did a little babysitting for our fabulous kids! And what a great job John did with the boys while I was working!! He wins grammpa of the year!!! We had Ashton and Logan from Sunday to Friday and Sarah had Ethan from Sunday til Wednesday, then John went up to get not only Ethan, but Luke as well. And the boys were really good!!! They ate good and slept good and got along very well. Of course there were moments, they're boys for cryin out loud! But I love each and every one of them!!! I didn't get as many shots of them cuz my camera was at school and here are some of Amy's cuties too.

Mallory eating an Oreo, isn't it pretty!



Gramma & Juliana, don't we look like we are related??? Just like her mommy, huh?

Logan watering for gramma



LIke I said..I TRIED to read them, I just can't seem to pick it up and actually do it!! Well....you know your cold is from them, you havent been sick all summer. I was planning on coming down today but maybe I'll visit amy instead!! Thanks again for taking LUke. He loves going over there and at least he's PERFECT for you!!

The Stokes Family said...

You guys are great. Dad I know that was such a handful for you, thank you soooooo much.Next time we will try and take them. Thank you guys for everything, Marc Birthday dinner having my sister and her family there and the kids there for a week. THANKYOU

Quarantine Coronacation said...

Of course I remember you. What a beautiful bunch of kiddies you have. That Mallory looks just like Amy. Wow.

Are you loving having John home? Man good times. We had Eschers over to our house and they are like teenagers. They are so excited about the new adventure of retirement. They are like little love birds. I was so happy to see that. So when do you retire?

The Brugger Bunch said...

WAHOOOOO! Way to go! I LOVED THE LAST BOOK, I knew Jacob would imprint on Resemme!I JUST KNEW IT! I totally love Bella as a Vampire! Thanks again for all that you did for us, and to John for taking all of those little men for a whole week! We sure love you guys!

The Smith Family said...

You are a busy women. I didn't know you are doing Kindergarten? I have to say, I am so glad I'm not teaching anymore. It's so much work! Good for you.

ma'elePHOTO said...

How FUN?! I just LOVED the TWILIGHT series! I'm TRYING to get Sarah to read. I told her it was probably the EASIEST, FUNNEST read ever... but we'll see if she'll take the dive. LOL!

And yeah, You and Juliana look like Sarah and Juliana. LOL! Gotta LOVE nana and her island looks!

Allison said...

Just finished breaking dawn- wow! Fabulous stuff. You will love the Host too, just give it a chance. I want to write a book series and become a millionaire. I wonder what my chances are?