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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Our Nebraska trip

Last Thursday we went to Omaha to visit with Jeff's family and attend Heather's graduation. We were able to sneek in a church history tour on the way and we had so much fun! We were in 4 states in one day! Such beautiful country!! Not so much in the dead of winter. So here some pics of our trip before my camera died. Yes, I said died, and why not, I ask you? It was only charged 2 weeks before that, one would think it would stay charged a bit longer, but then, maybe, no possible not! Was not very happy with that, but whatcha gonna do??

Ok~ I was in kinda a hurry to get these posted, and didn't get to say all I intended, so.......Going to these places was so fabulous!! We felt the spirit there and it was just cool to be in sacred places that are now so real to me. After teaching in RS the lessons of these places, it was nice to actually see and be there. Enjoyed it so very much. Heather told me that next time we come out we should go to Navoo (sp??), and so we just may do that! She said it's about 6 hours drive from Omaha. They live by Winter Quarters and we have been there a few times. Need to go to their temple next time!

Our first stop was in Adam-Ondi-Ahman. this pic is outta order, shoulda been #3, but oh well. This is Jeff givin us the history lesson of Adam-Ondi-Ahman. It was enlightening!

At the gate of~~~~
At the site of~~~

The Valley of Adam-Omdi-Ahman;
Us & Jeff's family,
Zach, Heather, Zoey, Jeff, Brittnie, me, Brooke & John

The valley~~~So beautiful


This is at Far West. We are in front of the book store

Far West Monument

explanation of one corner stone

Grampa and Brooke and Brittnie at a park down their street

Gramma and the girls

Heather's graduation

Heather , her sister, Chelsea, and her dad

Jeff and Heather and


The Brugger Bunch said...

AMAZING! What an incredible trip! I envy all that you were able to see, it must of felt incredible to be there. Heathers kids have grown up so much, I hardly recognize them! I love how supportive you both are with everything that is important to your family. You are wonderful for always making the time for the ones that you love! Love You!


HOW fun!! And such cute pics. Can't wait to see the girls in June!! Congrats to Heather. Wish we could have been there, my kids miss thier cousins!!! And one more thing, Jeff needs to shave lol!!!

Kati said...

So Fun!! I totally want to go see all those places (someday :) Their kids are so grown up I cannot believe it!

Rey and Melanie said...

Wow, it looks like you guys had so much fun! Im jealous that you guys got to visit those church sites, I cant wait until Rey and I get to do that.

The Stokes Family said...

I am so happy you got to see that, and soooo sad that I didn't. What an amazing trip.

Mindie said...

How cool to go to all those places! It looks so beautiful!